Saturday, 18 October 2014

1st Unit Training After Exams

On the 21st of October, there will be a unit training. The Sec 1s will be doing their camp-craft on the day. As for the Sec 2s and Sec 3s they will be focusing on their tent pitching in prepare for their upcoming events ( ATC / STC ).

Things to take note :
Fall in in PT Kit attire, bring along twine & scissors and also 1.5 L water bottle. 
Also, make sure that your attire is up to standard, so we do not have to waste our time to re-emphasize on the attire. 

For more details do approach the IC of your squad or the individual squad adjutants. Do ask around your squad mates to refresh on your camp-craft skills Ensure that you have recapped on everything you need to know before the next training in order to optimise your practice session.

Media Heads
SGT Seet Yi Jie & SGT Rooban Pannerselvam