Saturday, 29 August 2015

Sec 1 Macritchie Reservoir Park Hike

It was a beautiful Saturday morning on the 29th of August when the sec 1 squad took a morning hike to Macritchie Reservoir Park.

It was not an easy feat for the sec 1 cadets as they embarked on a 13 km hike planned by the sec 3 Cadet Leaders (CLs). It has took the sec 3 CLs months to plan for the hike and to get sec 1 squad TO, Mr Ling to approve their proposal. Even though it was physically exhausting, everyone was in high spirit throughout the hike.

It was also the inaugural hike for sec 1 squad in the history of Yishun Town Secondary School Unit. The sec 1 squad had an unforgettable experience and learned the important value of "Resilience", forged many friendships and was exposed to the wildlife of fauna & flora through this meaningful activity.

Work, Play, Train, Rest! We Are the Best!!