Monday, 30 May 2016

Northland Primary - P4 CCE Camp

After weeks of planning, the sec 3 cadets under the leadership of CPL (NPCC) Adithya and CPL (NPCC) Wei En held a successful workshop at Northland Primary, P4 CCE Camp.

The main objective of the workshop was to imbue a sense of Nationalism through the notion of Total Defence and NPCC cadets were entrusted with the aspect of social defence.

CPL (NPCC) Yong Yee demonstrating to the students on how to check for fingerprints using the dusting powder from the Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) Toolkit.

CPL (NPCC) Hui Qing sharing with the students on how to check for counterfeit notes using the ultra-violet torch from the Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) Toolkit.

Precision Drill Squad (PDS) put up a little performance for the students and educated them on the different weapons taught in NPCC.