Sec 1 Oath Taking was organised by YTSS and it was filled with rich sharing by Sec 3 cadets from NBRSS, OPSS and YTSS. The Emcees were CPL (NPCC) Chek Kee and CPL (NPCC) Anson from YTSS.
The Oath and NPCC pledge was led by Area 2 AC, DSP (NPCC) Jane Lee and the cadets were taught on how to sing the NPCC march thereafter!
After the Oath Taking, the sec 1s were led to witness the passing out parade organised by OPSS. Yishun Town NPCC band also supported the parade with their wonderful music. It was a grand sight as Area 2 graduating cohort march proudly into the parade for the final time in their NPCC journey. Even though a heavy downpour disrupted the preceding of the parade midway. Area 2 POP still carried on in the Indoor Sports Hall and it was definitely a memorable day for everyone!
Thank you graduating cohort of 2018 for your passion and contribution to NPCC and all the best to in your upcoming National Examinations!! Work, Play, Train, Rest! WE ARE THE BEST!!!