Sec 4 squad TO, INSP (NPCC) Isaac Ling took the opportunity to share with them on his appreciation of their service in the past 4 years with YTNP.
SI (NPCC) Nigel Feng also gave a heart warming speech to the unit that touches the heart of everyone. In his closing speech, he issued a challenge to the various squads to stay strong and continue to strive for the attainment of UOPA Gold for YTNP!
After which, P/INSP (NPCC) Ching Weng took over the drill cane from SI (NPCC) Nigel Feng as a symbolism of the Sec 4 Cadet Leaders stepping down from the unit.
It was indeed a day mixed emotions for everyone as we bid adieu to 32nd Batch. Here's a video made by their squad CI, P/INSP (NPCC) Ching Weng capturing their wonderful journey in YTNP for the past 4 years.
All the best in your future endeavours 32nd Batch! Remember Duty! Honour! YTNP!